Modern half tiled bathroom
Modern half tiled bathroom

modern half tiled bathroom

Here are some other examples of the installation: image source Mine, above, is a basic brick (or running bond), which is usually what you see when you see a standard subway tile. I think you can safely say houses before 1950 were mostly staggered, not stacked. Was this the right thing to do? It’s design, not science so there are few absolute rights and wrongs, but it’s what felt appropriate, beautiful and timeless. For this reason, I staggered the tile in our 1920s English Tudor. In general, I’d say to be careful to put something that wasn’t invented yet in an older home. For instance, don’t use a glass mosaic tile in a Victorian home. This is a rule that can ABSOLUTELY be broken, but if you aren’t a confident designer and are afraid to make a permanent wrong decision, it’s a good guide. It’s my personal belief that you shouldn’t put a finish in a house that might not have existed when the house was made. But first, for those of you curious about what all this talk about stacked/staggered/staggered stacked even means, let’s dig into it: Photo by Tessa Neustadt for EHD | From: Emily’s Modern English Country Kitchen What did we end up doing? Well, you’ll see at the end. Some of which included: Is stacking the new stagger? Is stacking a 2018 style that will be dated in 2028? Is staggering only okay in traditional homes? Is staggering done all together or will it be classic forever? Is staggering a stack even weirder or if it’s done really well, is it creative and artful and genius? Do you need to choose stack or stagger throughout your whole house? Do you have to be pro-stack or pro-stagger for your entire life? Clearly, I was spiraling, I know, but these are things that go through the mind of insane people that are remodeling and making roughly 52,000 decisions about the DOUBLE design of five bathrooms (double because of the I Design, You Decides). So amongst many other decisions, I poured over whether to stack or stagger the tile in the bathroom designs, which led me to larger questions. The original intent of modern Scandi was thwarted by Brian’s all of a sudden need for a cozy cottage. The style evolution of the mountain cabin has thrown me, as you know.

Modern half tiled bathroom